It feels great saving the extra rent money each month that the studio was costing me, and I'm also enjoying the quick moments when I can add a few brush strokes to a painting between piano students. I can keep up with emails, have tools on hand, watch movies, etc. - multi-tasking in a fun and efficient way.
I generally use the wall as my easel and there is very limited wall space in this room - one wall is windows (which is gorgeous), one wall is sliding french doors into my living room (which makes the room feel open), another wall is mirrored closet doors (which reflects that gorgeous light and sunset and makes the room feel even larger) and another wall (as seen above) is a door (now closed off) and glass brick.
This photo makes the room look abominable, but it's just a reflection of the room (yikes, eh?) Can you see me waving in the back? (lol) Those are the mirrored closet doors I was mentioning. I keep a couple of paint/paint brush carts in the middle of the room - kind of like a kitchen island. Oh yeah, I like cooking too, and the studio is also close to my kitchen!

Here's the last "panel". It is actually quite organized, I must say. There is a place for everything and everthing is in it's place. I even have a fire extinguisher ...
This room is on the other side of the glass brick wall - my music studio where I teach piano. It's also nice having the piano close by too - more multi-tasking activities!
Paintings are stored everywhere! These are beside the piano, outside the studio.

These (blank, waiting to be painted on) are outside the sliding french doors of my studio, leaning against my sofa.

And alas, I have some stacked & squished in the electrical room (shhhh) in the building hallway on my floor:

I hope you have enjoyed your virtual tour of my space. If you would like to help me make more room for myself, simply buy a painting or two!