
The Love that Surrounds Me 1 & 2. Diptych 36" x 36" ea

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Relationships [in Art]

For some time now I've been interested in the relationship with music and art - poetry, dance, photography etc. as well, but mostly with the two aspects I know most about.

Andy Gabrys, a Chilliwack native who now lives in New York, came to Bozzinis Restaurant in Chwk to play his own Jazz music for a home crowd. My friend Helen and I were there for the concert and took some photos. From what we had snapped, I started to see the similarities of rhythm in the picture and the listening to the rhythm and cool movement of his music:

I love the vague image of the bass player. A little blurry cloud like a piano piece by Debussy.

Then there's my bff Ms Barbara Jane's Superman who has a band, Wichita Trip who I went to see in Vancouver the a couple of weekends ago. Totally different style than Gabrys that added new blended flavours (ah yes, flavours...cooking is another fantastic artful analogy!) of Roadhouse Country & Honky-Tonk Rock 'n Roll.
.. love those toe-tappin' sneakers too!
Use YOUR imagination and come up with your own relationships between sight and sound. What do you see in these pictures? How does the mood of these photos reflect the type of music they play?

1 comment:

Ms.Barbara Jane said...

That is so cool.
Nice job.