It was a perfect evening when arrived yesterday. Just look at that sky!
I couldn't find 'il groupo' in the place we were supposed to meet, so I kept walking up to Starbucks on Cornwall to get a latte and sit by the water. All was ok as I was so totally in the moment!
This is what I like about the city... so many people gathering by the ocean and sand... outdoors, playing sports, visiting, eating, drinking... enjoying themselves.
I finished my coffee and continued my walk around what used to be my beach neighbourhood about 10 years ago.
As I'm walking along I see a bunch of people sitting/lying on blankets on the grass under a big tree. They were playing guitars and singing and having a great time...
HEY... wait a minute! That's my group... singing Italian songs! I sat down and joined them - some new faces - always nice. I got so involved that I forgot to take a picture of all of us. We sang some more, talked about art, music, Italy, food, wine, travelling, we all have a lot in common. We are meeting again soon to continue this spectacular evening - more singing, guitars and possibly a few more 'refreshments'! Then I MUST remember to get a shot of us all.

As we said our 'ciaos' and 'arrivadercis' we soaked in the last of the sun's rays of the evening and headed home...
...can't wait till next time...
What a beautiful post. Next time you're in the city for your Italian cultural event, call me and we can have a late or early cocktail too. Miss you.
Yes, let's do! Miss you too Ms. Barbarella! I'll let you know when I'm in your neighbourhood...hopfully soon.
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