Many of you may be wondering what in the world I was doing in San Francisco for another artist's art installation. Others may wonder "What's up with Buffalo Bill on the Beach?"
The best way to describe it is to direct you to the article by the San Francisco Examiner as it has the best explanation and some great photos as well. The artist, Thom Ross, is a rabid fan of Wild West American history - alas his devotion (and huge financial expense) to the creation of this project that was 2 years in the making. What he has done with this project, is recreate the original 1902 photo taken of Buffalo Bill Cody and his travelling Indian Show that was taken on this very site: Ocean Beach, San Francisco. I learned a tremendous amount about this time in history... about how Buffalo Bill Cody took the Troupe (including Annie Oakley and Sitting Bull) all over the United States and to Europe. Queen Victoria even saw them! Thom has an interesting historical photograph of Cody and some of the Indian Chiefs (in full 'traditional' clothing) travelling in the gondolas of Venice, Italy... DEFINITELY something I never knew or have seen before! Thom invited a group of his friends and artists to help him set up this installation - some flew in from New York, Montana, Southern California, Seattle... and me from Canada, who drove down with the caravan. There must have been about 30 of us bustling about setting up this display starting at 5:00am on Sept. 5.
We started in Seattle where Thom (below) is based. He rented 2 Penske trucks full of his creations, hardware, ladders, Indian spears, tools, tents, etc.
Here's a photo of our caravan group driving from Seattle to San Francisco:
After we had all arrived and assembled from our various destinations, we went out to San Francisco's garlic-crazed The Stinking Rose for dinner - whew! At least we ALL stunk the next day!

As we were setting up, we had some great press from the San Francisco Chronicle that got the buzz humming! It was quite humorous to watch people everywhere on their cell phones telling their friends to "Get down to Ocean Beach! You've gotta check this out!"
Here's a link to a photo of me helping to set up one of Thom's masterpieces. ALSO...please visit the official photographer, Patrick Bennett's website for more awesome photos - from sunrise to sunset and everything in between... including photos that Patrick will still be adding, as the exhibition runs until September 15.
I had a very inspiring learning experience and given the chance, I would do it again!
Thanks Thom!
(I thought this little guy was cute)
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