Well... as the saying goes, "When it rains, it pours". Such as it is for me at this time - probably for most people in the arts. The pay cheque isn't steady, but when it's happening, you've just gotta move. 

Right now everything is happening at once. The owner of the gallery that is representing me, Alice Tickner of the Lions Bay Art Gallery, is keeping me super busy! The tree paintings shown in this blog have all been sold within this month, and in two weeks I'm having an opening show in Lions Bay AND she's hosting a show in downtown Vancouver for October 15 and another one on November 27 (I'll keep you posted)...
Meanwhile... my gallery in Naniamo, Gallery 223, is having a show for me for this week of Sept 17-24. The cruise ship season is beginning this week, so BAM! I need to have more small paintings ready.
On TOP of this, I'm moving my studio from one location to another. YIKES!
It's all good... just a little overwhelming sometimes. If you're in the same boat, drop your oar (email me) and let's paddle together!

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